Hi! I'm Dan

Dan Temple

I am currently a 4th year student at Mount Royal University. I am passionate about software development, data analysis, and AI, with the goal of leveraging these skills to solve real-world problems and advance my career in tech.


Personal Projects hoping to capture your attention

Osaka Image

Click Anywhere On The Image!
Made Using Python NumPy

R: 0, G: 0, B: 0

Space Invaders Game
Made Using Python Turtle


Providing a prompt will output a story, image and song all related
Made Using OpenAI, Unsplash and Spotify API

Give it a try!

Calgary Housing Price Prediction Model

Insights and predictions about Calgary's housing market, based on data analysis and machine learning models.

Data my model was trained on
(Click on graph then use arrow keys to scroll left and right of graph)

Interestingly, the median income in 2005 was 43.1k (Adjusted for inflation), and the median house price was 206.5k, while in 2022 the median price for a house was 396k with a median income of 48k.

Predictions from my model
(Click on graph then use arrow keys to scroll left and right of graph)

Training the model on RandomForestRegressor, the model has an R-squared value of 0.999.

Feature Importance Prediction

The graph shows the most important features driving the median house price.

Interactive COVID-19 Spread Map: Top 50 Most Affected Countries
Hover and Scroll over the map!
Made With Python Plotly
Data From Johns Hopkins University

